How do I create a multiple choice question?
A multiple choice question in an assessment provides pre-written choices from which the student will select. You can restrict the correct answers to one selection, or you can allow multiple selections (one or more) for a correct answer.
Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your course.
Select an assessment.
Questions may be added to any assessment. Select an existing assessment or create a new one.
Note: You may also add a question directly to a question pool.
Create a New Assessment.
Enter a point value.

Enter the point value for this question. Questions may be worth any point value you choose.
Tip: Keep in mind that the point value of all the questions in the assessment will equal the point value of the assessment in the Gradebook. So, if you want your assessment to be worth a total of 100 points, you should assign point values to your questions accordingly.
Display points?

If you want students to see the point value as they are taking the test, leave the default setting of Yes. If you prefer that students do not see the point value for the question, select No.
Minimum Point Value. (Optional)

This option lets you specify a certain number of points that is awarded automatically to every user who attempts the question, regardless of whether or not the user selects the correct answer.
Extra Credit. (Optional)

Selecting this option lets you mark a question as extra credit. This means that the points awarded for this question are not counted as part of the "total points" for the assessment and there are no points deducted for skipping this question or answering incorrectly. However, users answering correctly will receive the question point value added on top of their total points earned in the assessment.
Choose the answer configuration.

Single correct.

A single correct answer grants all of the points to that selection. Selecting that configuration reveals a field for optional designation of negative points incurred for any single incorrect selection.
Multiple Correct, Single Selection

A multiple correct, single selection answer grants all of the points to more than one single selection.
If more than one of the answer selections is correct, then each can be checked, and a student who checks either of those selections (via check boxes) earns all of the points. An example is shown above.
Multiple Correct, Multiple Selection

A multiple correct, multiple selection answer requires several selections and allows different policies for granting the points.
- The option Correct minus Incorrect means that the points possible will be reduced by each box checked incorrectly, either affirmed for a selection that should not be included, or left empty for a selection that should be included in the correct answers.
- The option All or Nothing means that all points are granted for a fully correct answer only; any other combination of affirmed and empty check boxes earns no points.
Add Question Text.

Type the question into the text box provided.
Note: You may also use the Rich Text Editor by clicking on the Show All Rich-Text Editors link.
Add attachment. (Optional)

Click Add Attachments to browse for and select a file attachment if desired.
Enter the question answers.

- Type the answers in the text boxes provided.
- Indicate the correct answer by selecting the appropriate letter in the Correct Answer column.
- (Optional) For more possible answers, choose a number from the drop-down list Insert Additional Answers.
Tip: To expand or shrink the text boxes, drag the corners.
Choose whether or not to randomize answers (for multiple choice).

The default setting is No for randomizing answers. If you would like the answer choices to appear in a random order each time a student takes the assessment, select Yes.
Tip: Remember that if your answer choices contain items like "all of the above" or "A and B are correct," randomizing the order could cause confusion with the answer key.
Choose whether or not to require rationale.

The default setting is No for requiring rationale. If you want students to write an explanation for why they chose a particular response, select Yes.
Assign to part. (Optional)

If you have multiple parts in your assessment, you may assign the question to a different part.
Assign to pool. (Optional)

If you have an existing question pool and would like to copy this question to the pool, select the pool name here.
Add answer feedback. (Optional)

Feedback is optional text available for the student to review after the particular question is graded. For matching questions, the feedback option is offered for correct and/or incorrect answers, if desired.
Click Save.

Click Save to save the question (or Cancel to exit).