How do I navigate within a site?
Once you've opened a site, use the tips in this article to navigate around using the site's features.
Which site am I viewing?

- The site that you're currently viewing is highlighted in the left Tool Menu.
- The current site is also displayed to you at the top of the page.
Navigating with the Tool Menu
The Tool Menu is a customizable column along the left side of the page with links for each available tool (e.g., Overview, Announcements, Site Info, Forums, etc.). The number of links will vary depending on which tools were chosen for a site.
- The currently selected tool is highlighted, while the rest of the Tool Menu options are not. Click a tool's name to navigate to the tool.
- The currently selected tool is also displayed at the top of the screen after the site name. You may also click on the tool name in that location to navigate to the tool.
When you're using a tool, click on the tool's name in the breadcrumb area of the page to return to the main page of the tool.
Note: If you return to the starting point of the tool before saving (e.g., before choosing to add, post, save as draft, etc.), you will lose any information you have entered.