How do I use emojis in Conversations?
Go to the Conversations tool.

Select the Conversations tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Click on a topic.

Click on a topic in the conversations area of the page.
Click Add A Reaction.

- In an original post, click ADD A REACTION and then select:
- the lightbulb emoji (Clicking this indicates that you think this is a good idea)
- the heart emoji (Clicking this indicates that you love this post or answer)
- the key icon (Clicking this indicates that you think this idea is key to the topic)
- In an answer, click the smiley face icon (Add a reaction to this topic) and then select:
- the lightbulb emoji (Clicking this indicates that you think this is a good idea)
- the heart emoji (Clicking this indicates that you love this post or answer)
- the key icon (Clicking this indicates that you think this idea is key to the topic)
Verify the emoji.

Verify that the emoji displays properly.
Or, remove the emoji.

Have you changed your mind about your reaction to the post and wish to remove the emoji? In an original post, click ADD A REACTION and then select the emoji you previously selected. Or, in an answer, click the smiley face icon (Add a reaction to this topic) and then select the emoji the you previously selected.

The emoji is deleted.
- You can only remove emojis that you have added to posts.
- You cannot add an emoji to your own posts.