How do I navigate the Resources tool?
There are a number of controls and breadcrumbs that determine the display of the Resources tool, making it easier to maneuver within the tool.
Go to Resources.

Select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Viewing an individual folder
On the Resources tool's main page, click an individual folder to gain a view of only that folder and its contents.
Navigating with the breadcrumb trail
When you're viewing an individual folder or subfolder, navigate between folders using the trail of links.
Expanding an individual folder
Folders containing content will display as a closed folder icon with a white plus sign. Click the closed folder icon (Open this folder) to open the individual folder and display its contents.
To close an opened folder, click open folder icon (Close this folder).
Expanding all folders
Click the Expand All icon to expand all folders and display their contents.
All folders will have opened to allow you to view all contents. Click the Collapse All icon to close all folders.
Searching within all folders

Use the search feature to locate files using search terms:
- Click All site files, which is available at the beginning of the breadcrumb trail
- Enter a term in the search field
- Click a search result to immediately open the file