How do I edit the Site Dashboard?
Only instructors and site owners can edit the Dashboard in course and project sites.
Go to the Dashboard tool.

Select Dashboard from the Tool Menu.
Click Edit Dashboard.

Edit the Dashboard layout.

Click Layout to open dashboard layout options menu.

Select one of the layout options and then click Select.
Edit the course image.

To update the course image, click Change course image.

- Click Choose File to upload a new image from your device.
- Click Zoom image in or Zoom image out to zoom in or out on a section of the image.
- Click Pan image up or Pan image down to move the image center up or down within the frame.
- Click Pan image left or Pan image right to move the image center left or right within the frame.
- Click Rotate image to rotate the image by 90% within the frame.
- Click Done.
Edit the course overview.

Enter updates to the course overview in the Rich Text Editor.
Remove widgets.

Click the Remove icon to remove the widget.
Add widgets.

- Click Add a Widget.
- Select a widget to add. In the example, the Tasks widget is available.
Note: In many sites, all available widgets are added by default.
Move widgets.

Use the icons (Move up, Move down, Move left, Move right) to move widgets to a different location on the dashboard.
Click Save once you have completed your edits.