How do I add a task to the Tasks widget?
You can manually add tasks to the Tasks widget that are shared with site participants, site groups, or that only available to you.
Go to the Dashboard tool.

Select Dashboard from the Tool Menu.
Click Add a new task.

Add details about the new task.

- Enter a task title in the Description of task field.
- Click calendar icon (Date Due) to use the date picker to choose a date for the task.
- Select an option from the Priority menu.
- Enter notes about the task in the Text field.
- Click Add Task.
Share the new task with site participants. (Course and project sites only)

If you're creating the new task in a course or project site, use the Deliver this task to menu to share the task.
- My dashboard: keep the task confidential to your dashboard only.
- Students on this site: share the task with all students in the site. Students will be able to view the task when they visit the Dashboard tool.
- Members of a group: share the task with members of a site group. Enter the name of the site group in the groups field.