What is the External Tool (LTI)?
The External Tool (LTI) allows you to include tools that support the IMS Basic Learning Tools Interoperability standard in your sites. The External Tool (LTI) launch protocol securely sends user, site, and role information to the external tool using the OAuth (www.oauth.net) security mechanism.
The site owner or the system administrator can configure this tool. If the system administrator pre-configures an External Tool, it appears in the list of tools like any other tool that can be added to the site by the site owner. Site owners with appropriate permissions can also add and configure their own External Tools on a per-site basis.
For more information or assistance, please contact your local support team. For more details on the technical aspects of the IMS LTI standard, go to www.imsglobal.org.
Sakai currently supports LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3/Advantage.
To access this tool, select External Tool (LTI) from the Tool Menu in your site.