How do I create a weighted rubric?
With weighted grading, scores for each criterion record as a specified percentage of the total points possible for the rubric. This strategy is similar to weighted course grading for which points scored in assignments, exams, and discussions in a class of 100% are weighted towards 10%, 40%, and 50% of the final course grade calculation.
In the case of a weighted rubric, the highest rating level for each criterion must be calculated of the total points possible for the overall rubric. As an example, if the assignment you plan to grade with this rubric uses a maximum possible score of 100 points, each criterion within the rubric must graded using 100 points as the highest score. This allows the correct number of weighted points to be awarded.
Note: Once a rubric is in use with an assignment, it will appear with a lock icon next to it, indicating that it cannot be edited.
Go to Rubrics.

Select the Rubrics tool from the tool menu of your site.
Switch a rubric to weighted grading.

Click the hashtag icon (Switch to Weighted Grading) associated with a rubric. See How do I add a rubric to my site? for information about creating a new rubric.
The hashtag icon (Switch to Weighted Grading) will toggle to a percentage icon (Switch to Standard Grading) once you've changed to weighted grading.
Add percentage weights to each criterion, and edit the points for ratings.
- Add percentage weightings to the Weight field for each criterion. These should align with the weightings that are important to the outcomes of the assignment.
- Update the ratings for each criterion, ensuring that the highest possible value for each is equal across all criteria. For each criterion, click the pencil icon (Edit Rating), and edit the rating.
- Update the other ratings for each criterion so that there is a logical progression from low to high scores. In the example shown, the ratings in the Content criterion progress from a rating of 1 to 5 to 10. Click the pencil icon (Edit Rating) and edit the ratings for the all criteria in this way.
- Click Save Weights.
- the highest rating for each criterion must be equal to the total possible points for the course assignment that you intend to grade using this rubric.
- the percent weights entered for the rubric must add to 100%.
Grade with the weighted rubric.
Use the weighted rubric with tools like the Assignments tool. When grading an item using a weighted rubric, the weighted points are shown in bold and parenthesis inside each rating cell.
In the example with an assignment valued of 10 points, the Content criterion is set to 60%, so the weighted rubric will calculate 60% of 10 with 6 points possible. The Style criterion is set to 30%, so the rubric will calculate 30% of 10 with 3 points possible. The third criterion, Grammar, is set to 10%, so the weighted rubric calculates 10% of 100, or 1 point.
When you add the total possible points for the rubric, you get 6+3+1=10. Students graded according to this rubric will receive a weighted amount of points for each rating level selected.