How do I post a question in Conversations?
To post a question, click on the Conversations tool in the left-hand menu.

Click on the Create new topic button on the right.
In order to post a question, make sure the appropriate Topic Type is selected.

Give the question a brief subject line in the Title field and then provide the full question in the Details text box below.

Users can add tags to group similar topics or ideas together by selecting any previously created tags in the drop-down menu below the text box.

If no tags exist, first save the question by selecting Save as draft.

Then select the question just created on the left, click the three stacked dots to the right of the selected text, and select Edit.
Once inside the question, scroll down to the tags area and select the Edit tags for this course link to manage tags. For more information on adding tags, go to How do I create tags for my course in Conversations?

Users can choose to post the question to everyone or just instructors.

Then choose from several different Post options by selecting the appropriate checkboxes: pin the question to the top of the list of questions on the left (depending on Permission settings within the Conversations too), make the question topic anonymous to students, allow students to post anonymous responses, or require students to post before reading responses.

Users can then either save the question as a draft for further revisions or select the Publish button to submit a post to Conversations.