How do I use the Tasks widget?
The Tasks widget provides personalized information for each user which is specific to the events and deadlines in their sites. Users may filter and modify the list of tasks, as well as add new tasks for themselves.
Go to the Dashboard tool.

Use the drop-down menu on the left to filter your tasks by priority (1 to 5) or status (overdue, trash, completed).

Use the drop-down menu on the right to sort tasks by due date or priority.

Select the Edit link for an existing task to modify the task details.

You may mark the task complete, change the priority, or add text notes.

Select the Trash icon for an existing task to remove it from your list.

Items sent to the trash may be restored by filtering to view "trash" items and then selecting "restore" for the task.

Select the chevron icon to be taken directly to the selected task within your site.

Select the + icon to add a new task to your list.

For manually created tasks, you may enter a custom due date, priority, and text notes.
After you have entered your task details, select Add Task to save the item.