How can instructors customize their Gradebook display?
Gradebook offers the following options for instructor to customize how it displays for them:
- Filtering the list of students,
- Ordering the list of students by first or last name, or grades,
- Showing or hiding the total score,
- Showing or hiding the grading schemas,
- Grouping or ungrouping items by category (in a gradebook with categories),
- Showing or hiding gradebook items,
- Reordering items.
Note: These display changes do not affect the student view of Gradebook. For information about the student view, see: How do students view their grades in the Gradebook?
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Gradebook.

Select the Gradebook tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Filter the list of students.

- From the Filter by group/section menu, which displays All Sections/Groups by default, select a roster or group to display only students from that group.
- Alternatively, in the Filter students box, enter part or all of a student's name or user ID (UVA computing ID or non-UVA email address) to display only matching results in the list.
Reorder the list of students.
Sort students by name.

By default, students are sorted alphabetically by last name, in ascending order (A-Z).
- Select Students at the top of the students column to change the sort order from ascending to descending, or vice versa.
- To sort students by first name, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for the students column), then Order by First Name.
- If students are sorted alphabetically by first name, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for the students column), then Order by Last Name, to reorder them again.
Sort by grades.

Select the title of a column to sort by its grades (low to high scores). Select the title of the column again to reverse the order (high to low scores). The list can be sorted by:
- Course Grade (shown in the image above),
- Or the grades in a specific gradebook item.
Show or hide total score.

- In the Course Grade column, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for Course Grade column), then Show Scores. The total score will display under each letter grade as follows, depending on how your gradebook is set up:
- No categories - [Points the student received / total points] (Calculated Percentage), e.g., [68/80] (85%)
- Categories only - [Points the student received / total points] (Calculated Percentage), e.g., [68/80] (85%)
Categories and weighting - (Calculated Percentage), e.g., (85%)
- If scores are shown, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for Course Grade column), then Hide Scores.
- For more information about course grade calculations, see How are grades calculated in a points Gradebook? or How are grades calculated in a percentage Gradebook?
- Ungraded items are not included in a student's course grade. Leaving a grade entry blank reduces the total points possible by the point value of the ungraded item for that student.
Show or hide grading schemas.

Grading schemas are the scales on which final grades are based. The most common grading schema is UG-GRD (undergraduate graded), which uses a letter grade scale of A-F.
The grading schema used for a student is defined by:
- The degree the student is pursuing, e.g., undergraduate (UG) or graduate (GRA),
- The SIS Grading Basis for the roster in which they enrolled, e.g., graded (GRD), audit (AUD), or credit/no credit (CNC).
To show or hide each student's grading schema:
- In the Course Grade column, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for Course Grade column), then Show Grading Schemas.
- If grading schemas are shown, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for Course Grade column), then Hide Grading Schemas.
Group or ungroup items by category.
By default, if your gradebook has categories, category groupings will display. Select the Group by Category button to hide or show the categories.
Show or hide gradebook items.
- Select the Show/Hide Items menu to choose which gradebook items to display.
- To Show All or Hide All items, select the corresponding link.
- Visible items display with colored squares in the menu. Select an item to hide it.
- Hidden items display with empty squares. Select an item to make it visible.
- In a gradebook with categories, the category title displays a half-filled square in the menu if some items in that category are visible, while the category's other items are hidden.
- In the Grades table, two arrows display in place of hidden items. If you are using a mouse, you can click on the arrows to show the items.
Important: Showing and hiding items in this menu does not affect gradebook item visibility for students. For grades to be visible to students:
- The gradebook item must be released to students,
- Released items are visible in the gradebook settings.
For information about releasing grades, see How do I edit or delete a gradebook item?
Reorder items.
You can move gradebook items left or right to place them in a specific order.
Note: When viewing items grouped by category, you can only reorder items within their category. For steps to reorder categories, see How do I set up my Gradebook?
Drag and drop reorder

If you are using a mouse, you can drag and drop columns to reorder them.
Move Left

To move an item to the left, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for [item title] column), then Move Left.
Move Right

To move an item to the right, select the down arrow icon (Open menu for [item title] column), then Move Right.