How do I export and import assessments?
You can Export an assessment created in Tests & Quizzes to download and save it as a file on your computer. You can also Import, or upload, a format-compliant file to create an assessment.
Three export formats are available:
- QTI v 1.2 - an XML file of assessment settings and question text
- Content Packaging - a zip file of assessment settings, question text, links, images, or other attached files
- Markup Text - question text that you can copy and paste into the Create from markup text screen when creating an assessment
The format you choose will depend on whether you wish to capture links and attachments, and on the import capabilities of the intended destination.
Tip: Some textbook publishers provide question banks that you can import into Tests & Quizzes. You may also be able to import questions that were authored in other learning management systems, such as Blackboard or Moodle. See the steps below about importing assessments for more information.
Choose how to view the steps.
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Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Export an assessment.
Exporting an assessment will create a new file on your computer, suitable for saving for further use or importing to another university's learning management system.
Select the assessment.

In the Working Copies tab, select Export from the Action drop-down menu for the assessment.
Note: You cannot export assessments in the Published Copies tab.
Choose the export type and export.

- Select the export type from the three options described below.
- QTI v 1.2 creates an XML file of an assessment's settings and question text; it does NOT capture links, images, or other attached files.
- Content Packaging creates a zip file with an assessment's settings and content, including questions, links, images and/or other attached files.
- Markup text exports basic question text only; it does NOT capture some advanced question settings (for example, partial credit for Multiple Choice questions), or links, images, or attached files. You can copy and paste questions from an exported Markup text file into the Create from markup text screen when creating a new assessment.
- Select the Export button.
Download the file.

The prompts and steps for downloading the file will depend on your internet browser. Save the file to your computer.
Import an assessment.

Under Import from File (XML or ZIP), select Import.
Select your file, then Import.

- Browse to the file on your computer and open it. Once selected, the file name will display next to the button.
- Select the radio button indicating the file's source for correct processing:
- If your assessment has been exported from a UVACollab site or another university's Sakai system (opens new window), select Export from this (or other Sakai) system.
- If your questions or assessment were provided by a textbook publisher or authored in a learning management system other than Sakai, for example in Blackboard or Moodle, use the Export from Respondus option.
- Select Import.
View your assessment.

In the Working Copies tab of Tests & Quizzes, the imported assessment will be available. (It will have the title of the downloaded assessment, not a title from your external file name.) You may now edit the assessment questions, or select Settings to change the title and other settings.
Note: Assessments that contain multiple choice, multiple selection questions with All or Nothing selected do not retain this setting on import. To remedy this, after import, edit these questions before publishing to reset the selection back to All or Nothing.