Sakai Community DocumentationUVA Articles ContribTests & QuizzesWhat types of questions can I incorporate into my assessments?

What types of questions can I incorporate into my assessments?

Below is a quick reference list of the different types of questions you can add to assessments, with links to articles on how to create each type of question.

For more information on authoring assessments, see How do I create an assessment in Tests & Quizzes?

Note: The images below show how the questions are presented to students when they take the test.

Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice, Single Selection

Multiple Choice, Multiple Selection

A multiple choice question in an assessment provides pre-written choices from which the student will select.  You can restrict the correct answers to one selection, or allow multiple selections for a correct answer.

True False

A true false question requires students to indicate whether a statement is true or false.

Short Answer/Essay

A short answer or essay question requires students to enter an answer in the Rich-Text Editor.  They can enter text or embed links, images or other media.

Note: Short answer or essay questions must be manually graded.

File Upload

A file upload question requires students to upload a file for their response.  For example, create an essay question using the file upload question type to have students submit a Word document containing their response.

Note: File upload questions must be manually graded.


A matching question includes a numbered list of choices and a corresponding drop-down list of matches.

Fill in the Blank

A fill in the blank question presents students with a sentence or paragraph that includes text boxes where they will enter missing text.

Numeric Response

A numeric response question is similar to a fill in the blank question; numeric response presents students with a sentence, paragraph, or formula that includes text boxes where they must enter numbers to fill in the blanks.

Calculated Question

A calculated question includes variables randomly pulled from a range you specify.  It is similar to numeric response in that it presents students with a sentence, paragraph, or formula that includes text boxes where they must enter numbers to solve the problem.

Student Audio Response

A student audio response question requires students to record audio for their answer using a microphone.  Students must select a link to open the audio recorder.

Note: Student audio response questions must be manually graded.


A survey question can have a simple yes or no response, or require participants to select a response from a range of options, such as strongly disagree to strongly agree or a scale of 1-5.

Note: Survey questions cannot be graded; they will always be worth 0 points in a graded assessment.

Survey - Matrix of Choices

A survey - matrix of choices question provides participants with a table where they must select options for each row from corresponding columns.

Note: To award students points for responding to a survey - matrix of choices question, it must be manually graded.