What is the Gradebook tool?
The Gradebook allows instructors to list course assignments and enter corresponding scores and comments to make them available to students. See below for an example instructor view of the gradebook.
Students can view their own grades and comments in the Gradebook. See below for an example student view of the gradebook.
Course grades are automatically calculated and may be exported to the Student Information System (SIS) (opens new window). Final course grades are only available to students in SIS.
Note: For instructions to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add a tool to my site?
Gradebook Classic will continue to be available for use until the next system upgrade in 2020.
Video Description
Gradebook Features
The Gradebook allows instructors to:
- Enter grades and comments in an easy-to-use spreadsheet view. (New feature!)
- Restrict permissions so Teaching Assistants can only grade specific rosters or groups of students. (New feature!)
- Import grades from a spreadsheet (CSV) file.
- Export grades as a spreadsheet (CSV) file.
- Create extra credit items and/or categories.
- Organize grades into categories, and use categories to:
- Assign a weight to the category,
- Automatically drop grades in a specific category.
To access this tool, select Gradebook from the Tool Menu in your site.

Gradebook main page (Instructor View)
The instructor view of Gradebook (Grades screen) displays:
- Add Gradebook Item,
Display options:
- All Sections/Groups: Select to display students in a specific roster or group,
- Show/Hide Items: Show or hide gradebook items,
- Group By Category, if categories were added in the Settings,
- Students list, with a Filter students box to search for students by name or user ID (UVA computing ID or non-UVA email address),
- Course Grade column,
- Category Title, if items are grouped by category,
- Gradebook items, including grades that have been entered, and Comments icons to display comments,
- Category average, for items in a category.
For more information about setting up your gradebook and creating gradebook items, see:
Note: If a gradebook has categories, but items have not yet been assigned to a category, these items will display under the title Uncategorized.
Gradebook main page (Student View)

The student view of Gradebook (Grade Report) includes:
- A Print button,
Display options, if categories exist:
- Group by Category,
- Expand All: Show items in all categories,
- Collapse All: Hide items in all categories to only display category averages.
- Gradebook items, with options to sort by Grade, Due Date, or instructor Comments.
For more information on viewing grades, see: How do I view my grades in the Gradebook?