How do I grade Tests & Quizzes submissions by question?
Most question types in Tests & Quizzes are automatically graded by the system. However, you will need to manually score short answer/essay questions, file uploads, and audio recordings. You may also adjust the auto-graded scores, add comments, or give partial credit.
For information on other grading options, such as how to enter scores for students who did not submit, or how to grade by student, see How do I grade Tests & Quizzes?
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Select the Published Copies tab.

Select the Published Copies tab to view the assessments that have been released to students in your site.
Go to the assessment submissions.

Select Scores from the Action drop-down menu for the assessment.
Alternatively, you may select the number of student submissions in the Submitted column to view the submissions.
Select the Questions tab.

Select the question.

From the list of question numbers, select the question to grade. Each question is listed as the letter Q with the question number (e.g. Q1, Q2).
Enter grades and/or comments.
- In the Score column, enter the points each student received for the question.
- If desired, you can use the Comments for Student column to provide feedback on their answer.
- You also have the option of attaching file(s) with feedback. To upload a file, select Add Attachments.
- If you are grading a file upload question, you can download all students' submissions at once to grade them.
- For students to see any comments or attachments you add, Grader's Comments AND Student Response will need to be selected in the Feedback Settings.
- Comments cannot be added within the Tests & Quizzes tool for students with no submission and they do not have access to feedback for assessments they did not submit. To provide comments to a student with no submission, you might upload a file with comments to their folder in File Drop. To print an answer key to an assessment to provide to students who did not submit, see How do I print an assessment (i.e. test or quiz)?
Save your changes.

Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the screen and select Update to save your changes.