How do I add an item to the Gradebook?
Gradebook items are required to enter grades in the Gradebook. Add individual items within the Gradebook tool to enter grades for:
- Assignments, assessments, or projects completed outside of UVACollab
- Graded discussions from the Forums tool.
- Participation
- Attendance
Note: Those in the Teaching Assistant role in course sites do not have permission to add gradebook items.
Tip: Grades for assignments and assessments can be sent directly to the Gradebook when adding or editing an assignment in the Assignments tool, configuring assessment settings in Tests & Quizzes, or creating or editing graded items in Lessons. For more information, see: How do I add and edit gradebook items from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons?
Video Guide
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to Gradebook.

Select the Gradebook tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Add Gradebook Item.

Select the Add Gradebook Item button.
Configure the item's settings.

In the Add Gradebook Item window:
- Enter a Title.
- If your gradebook uses Points (default setting), enter the Point value for the item.
If your gradebook uses Percentages, enter the Relative weight of the item. - To designate an item as Extra credit, select the corresponding check box. For more information on extra credit, see How does extra credit work in Gradebook?
- Optionally, enter a Due date in the format month/day/year. For example, to set the Due date to January 21, 2019, enter 01/21/2019.
Alternatively, click on the calendar icon to display the date-picker. Choose a date by clicking on it in the calendar, or by clicking Now. When your date is selected, click Done. - If your gradebook has categories, select the appropriate Category for the item.
- To allow students to view their grades for this item, select Release item to students?
- Select Include item in course grade calculations? to add the item's scores in the course grade.
- Select Create.
View gradebook item(s).

You will be returned to the Grades screen, where:
- A message displays at the top of the screen indicating that the item has been created,
- The newly-added item appears in the Grades table. If the gradebook is grouped by category, the item will appear in the category selected when the item was created.
Icons displayed with specific item settings
Depending on the gradebook item's settings, one or more of the following icons may be included in the item details.
Eyeball with a slash indicates the Gradebook item is not visible to students.

If the option Release item to students? was NOT selected when the gradebook item was created, an eyeball with a slash icon displays.
Note: To release a hidden item to students, follow the steps to edit the gradebook item.
Calculator with a slash indicates the Gradebook item is not included in the course grade calculation.

If the option Include item in course grade calculations? was NOT selected when the gradebook item was created, a calculator with a slash icon displays.
Note: To count an item that is not currently included in the course grade calculation, follow the steps to edit the gradebook item.
Plus sign (+) indicates that This is an Extra Credit Gradebook Item.

If the Extra credit option was selected when the gradebook item was created, a plus sign (+) icon displays.
For more information about extra credit items, see How does extra credit work in Gradebook?
Tool icon and padlock indicate that the Gradebook item is coming from Tests & Quizzes, Assignments, or Lessons.

For information about the icons that display with gradebook items added to Gradebook from other tools, see How do I add and edit gradebook items from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, or Lessons?