How do I format my file for importing grades into Gradebook?
Instructors can manage grades offline in a spreadsheet and then import the file to update the course Gradebook. You can also import a file as a method for quickly creating several Gradebook items at once.
The easiest way to obtain a file in the proper import format is to export your Gradebook and use that file as a template. This way it will contain all of the student information in your site, as well as any existing Gradebook item information in your site.
Note: You can only update graded items that have been created within the Gradebook. Graded items that come from other tools, such as Assignments or Tests & Quizzes, cannot be updated via file import.
Go to Gradebook.

Select the Gradebook tool from the Tool Menu of your site.
Click Import/Export.

The export will download as a .csv file.

Add columns, grades, and/or feedback as needed, and save your file.
The import file must be in .csv file format. Also, be sure to use the following conventions:
- Student ID and Student Name are the first two columns and must be retained for any future imports.
- Gradebook Items/Assignments may include points by wrapping the points in [ ] after the title (e.g., Assignment 1 [50]).
- Comments can be imported by prefixing the column with a * (e.g., * Assignment 1).
- Columns that cannot be re-imported are prefixed with #.
Note: You may add new items to the gradebook by including new columns in your file. If you add any new columns without a point value in brackets, Sakai will prompt you to indicate the number of points upon import.
Return to Gradebook > Import/Export to browse for and select your import file.
For more information on importing your items into Gradebook, see How do I import grades into Gradebook?