How do I add a VoiceThread assignment to a lesson page?
VoiceThreads are interactive slideshows that you create by uploading and linking documents, pictures, videos, and/or audio files.
Within Lessons, you may create graded VoiceThread assignments, where students are required to submit their own VoiceThreads, watch and/or comment on content created by others. Grades for the submitted VoiceThreads and/or comments can be sent automatically to the Gradebook tool.
Go to Lessons.

Select the Title of the lesson page (e.g., Lessons, Activities, Week: 1) from the Tool Menu in your site.
Select Add Content, then Add External Tool.

- Select the Add Content tab.
- In the window that pops up, select Add External Tool.
Select the VoiceThread link.

Enter the link information.

A Configure External Tool window will pop up.
- Enter a Tool Title. This is the text of the link that will appear on the lesson page. For accessibility, you should use meaningful text to describe your link.
- Select Save.
Select the newly-added link.
You will be returned to the lesson page with your new link added. Select the link to access the VoiceThread setup options.
Select Assignment Builder.
On the VoiceThread Setup page, you are presented with several options for the type of link to create. Be sure to select Assignment Builder to create an assignment.
Note: The type of link cannot be changed later, but you may create additional VoiceThread links as needed on your lesson page(s).
Select the type of assignment.
On the Select a type of assignment page, choose from the following options:
- Create a VoiceThread: Students create and submit their own VoiceThreads.
- Submit a Comment: Students add comments on a VoiceThread you select.
- Watch a VoiceThread: Students must watch an entire VoiceThread you select, start to finish.
Set up the assignment.
For all assignments, you may add a Description to provide instructions for students. Each type of assignment also includes specific options.
Note: Once the assignment has been created, you cannot view or modify these options. To make changes to the assignment, you will need to remove the link on your lesson page and begin the link creation process again.
Create a VoiceThread
For a Create a VoiceThread assignment:
- Provide instructions for students in the Description box.
- By default, the option Allow students to resubmit assignment is enabled. To prevent students from modifying their submissions once completed, uncheck this box.
- Select Create Assignment.
Submit a Comment
For a Submit a Comment assignment:
- Select the Title of the VoiceThread where students will add comments.
- Provide instructions for students in the Description box.
- Enter the number of Comments required for students to submit. The default is 1.
- Select other assignment options as needed. The options include:
- and share with class - Enabled by default, this option allows students to access and submit the assignment. It is recommended to leave this checkbox checked.
- moderate comments - Select this option to approve student comments before they are visible to the rest of the class. For more information, see the VoiceThread Help: Using Comment Moderation (opens new window).
- Allow students to resubmit assignment - Enabled by default, this option allows students to modify their submissions, once completed.
- Select Create Assignment.
Note: You may also use the Create new VoiceThread link to add a new VoiceThread for the assignment, or select Add a VoiceThread by share link or id to use a VoiceThread created by someone else that has been shared with you.
Watch a VoiceThread
For a Watch a VoiceThread assignment:
- Select the Title of the VoiceThread the students must watch.
- Provide instructions for students in the Description box.
- Select other assignment options as needed. The options include:
- and share with class - Enabled by default, this option allows students to access and submit the assignment. It is recommended to leave this option checked.
- Allow students to resubmit assignment - Enabled by default, this option appears to have no effect for this assignment type, as students automatically get full credit for playing the entire presentation.
- Select Create Assignment.
Note: You may also use the Create new VoiceThread link to add a new VoiceThread for the assignment, or select Add a VoiceThread by share link or id to use a VoiceThread created by someone else that has been shared with you.