What is the iRubric tool?
Instructors may use rubrics to scaffold learning goals and assess the quality of students' learning. iRubric allows instructors to build and/or select from existing rubrics to facilitate assessment of and provide feedback on students' work.
Note: For instructions to add this or any other tool to your site, see How do I add a tool to my site?
Important: You also need at least one gradebook tool (either Gradebook or Gradebook Classic) in your site to use iRubric.
iRubric Features
Instructors may use iRubric to:
- Create their own rubrics.
- Import a rubric from a public gallery of rubrics and modify it to suit their needs.
- Share rubrics in the public gallery for other instructors to use.
- Allow students to perform self-assessment using a rubric.
- Enter grades in Gradebook, Gradebook Classic, and/or Assignments.
- Organize a collaborative group review of a document, webpage, or other content.
- Design reports for your individual courses, across courses, across terms, and by accreditation standards.
Students can:
- Access rubrics before grading as an opportunity to understand the criteria they need to meet.
- Assess their own performance using a rubric (if enabled by the instructor).
- View their scores and feedback from instructors in rubrics.
To access this tool, select iRubric from the Tool Menu in your site.

iRubric main page (Instructor View)

The instructor view of iRubric includes five tabs with the following options (links to iRubric Help pages with additional information included below):
- My Rubrics: Access the My Rubrics page (opens new window), which contains any rubrics you have created.
- iRubric Gallery: Access the public iRubric Gallery (opens new window).
- Build an iRubric: Access to build your own rubric (opens new window).
Grades (displayed by default): Any items added to Gradebook or Gradebook Classic will appear under the Gradebook Items section of the page. Use this page to:
- Select an iRubric to attach it to a gradebook item.
- Access the Grade all page for an attached rubric, and get grades from iRubric to send them to your gradebook.
For more information about these options, see How do I grade using iRubric?
- Settings: Modify access to the tabs listed above and other features available in iRubric for participants in the site.
iRubric main page (Student View)
The student view of the tool displays the Grades tab with the items added to the Gradebook or Gradebook Classic.
Students can view their grades and any feedback provided by the instructor by clicking the iRubric icon (checkerboard) across from the item title. Grade information from iRubric can also be seen in the Gradebook, Gradebook Classic, or Assignments (if the rubric was attached to an assignment in Assignments).
Get additional help.
For online tutorials and help with features in iRubric, visit the iRubric Help (opens new window) or iRubric How-to Videos (opens new window).
Questions about using iRubric to grade in Assignments, Gradebook, or Gradebook Classic can be addressed to [email protected].