How do I grade using iRubric in Gradebook Classic?
You may attach an iRubric directly to an item that has been added to Gradebook Classic, and grade within the gradebook instead of using the iRubric tool.
Attach a rubric to a gradebook item.
Go to Gradebook Classic.

Select Gradebook Classic from the Tool Menu in your site.
Create a gradebook item.

To access iRubric via Gradebook Classic, a gradebook item must be edited. If there are no existing gradebook items, follow the steps in How do I add items to the Gradebook Classic? to add an item.
Edit the gradebook item.

After the item has been added to Gradebook Classic, it can be edited to add a rubric. Select Edit beside the title of the gradebook item.
Select iRubric.

Use the Select iRubric link to open a new browser tab or window to the iRubric system.
Click on the select a rubric button.

Choose the rubric.

A small window will pop with with a list of the available rubrics. Choose a rubric with its select button.
Save the rubric.

You will be returned to the Attach a rubric window. Select the save button.
Close iRubric.

A message will be displayed letting you know that your rubric has been attached. Select close to close the iRubric window and return to the editing screen for your gradebook item.
Save the gradebook item.

Select Save Changes on the Gradebook Items > Edit screen to complete the attachment of the rubric to your gradebook item.
Grade with the rubric in Gradebook Classic.
Select the item to grade.

On the Gradebook Items screen, select the Title of the gradebook item.
Select the Grade with iRubric icon.

- To open an iRubric window with a list of all the students to grade, select the rubric (Grade all with iRubric) icon in the first row of the table listing students to grade.
- To grade a specific student, select the rubric (Grade with iRubric) icon in the column to the right of the student's name.
Grade using the rubric.
iRubric displays slightly different options depending on whether you selected to grade all students, or just a specific student. Skip to the step below to grade a single student.
Grade multiple students.
Select the student.

Select the name of a student to grade. A red dot icon displays to the left of each ungraded student's name.
Enter grades and comments for the student.
The criterion grading matrix will display for the attached rubric.
- Within the matrix, click in the appropriate cell to select the grade for each criterion.
- Optionally, add comments corresponding to a grading criterion in the Quick feedback cell on the far right. You may also click the speech balloon (Enter detailed feedback) icon to open a new window with text formatting options.
- In the Overall Feedback section, you may add optional comments in the Quick feedback box. You may also click Feedback Plus to open a new window with text formatting options.
- Click save score when you are done grading.
Select another student to grade.
iRubric will inform you that the rubric has been scored and saved and will report the total score and percentage of possible points. A green checkmark icon will also appear to the left of the name of the student whose grade was entered, indicating that the student is graded.
Select the name of another student to grade, then repeat the step above to enter grades.
When you have finished grading, you may close the tab or window with iRubric to return to the grading page in Gradebook Classic. Skip to the next step to refresh the grades.
Grade a single student.
Enter grades and comments for the student.
The criterion grading matrix will display for the attached rubric.
- Within the matrix, click in the appropriate cell to select the grade for each criterion.
- Optionally, add comments corresponding to a grading criterion in the Quick feedback cell on the far right. You may also click the speech balloon (Enter detailed feedback) icon to open a new window with text formatting options.
- In the Overall Feedback section, you may add optional comments in the Quick feedback box. You may also click Feedback Plus to open a new window with text formatting options.
- Click save score when you are done grading.
Refresh the grade(s).
On the grading screen in Gradebook Classic:
- To update the scores of all students whose grades were recently entered in the rubric, select the two arrows (Refresh all grades from iRubric) icon in the first row of the table listing students to grade.
- To update the score of a specific student, select the two arrows (Refresh grade from iRubric) icon in the column to the right of the student's name.