What Resources are specific to admin users?
The Resources tool within the Administration Workspace functions the same way as the Resources tool in other sites. However, within the Administration Workspace, Resources also provides access to files and directories in the system that non-admin users do not see.
Go to Resources.
Select Resources from the Tool Menu in the Administration Workspace.

View available directories.
Admin users may browse any of the following folders to view files on the system:
- The attachment directory contains files uploaded within individual sites as part of a message attachment, a quiz, etc.
- The group directory contains files uploaded to the Resources tool within individual sites. Sub-directories within this folder are named with the title of the site.
- The group-user directory contains all of the folders and files associate with the Drop Box tool in individual sites.
- The private directory contains files uploaded to the Profile tool (i.e. users' Photo Gallery or Profile Images).
- The public directory contains files which can be viewed by all users in the system. Admin users should place files in this location if they wish to share them with all users in the system - for example, images to be used in Message of the Day notifications.
- The user directory contains files uploaded to individual users' Home areas.