How do I customize a default system message?

Go to Message Bundle Manager.

Image of the message bundle manager tool

Select the Message Bundle Manager tool from the Tool Menu in the Administration Workspace.

Note: If you do not see the Message Bundle Manager tool in the menu, you may need to add it. See How do I add a stealthed tool to a site? for more information on adding a tool to the site.

Locate the message that you would like to customize.

Image of the messages within the manager

You may locate the default message by:

  1. Searching for the message. (See How do I search system messages? for more information.)
  2. Viewing messages by module. (See How do I view system messages by module? for more information.)

Click Edit.

Image of the edit button

Enter your custom text into the Value field.

Image of the value field

Click Save.

Image of the save button

The modified message information will be displayed.

Imag eof the modified message

Notice that the text in the Value field is now different than the text in the Default Value field.