How do I increase a site's Resources quota?

As explained in What are quotas and upload limits? users may request additional storage space in either Resources or File Drop.  For File Drop, see How do I increase a site's File Drop quota?

Log in as admin.

Log in as an admin (e.g., psg3a-admin).

Go to Administration Workspace.

Locate the site.

Finding a course or collaboration site is easy, but extra steps are required to find someone's Home site. Skip to the steps for finding a Home site.

Find a course or collaboration site.

  1. Go to the Worksite Setup tool.
  2. In the Search box, enter the title of the site, then press Enter or Return on your keyboard, or select Search.

Find a user's Home site.

Find the site ID for the user's Home site.

  1. Go to the Sites tool.
  2. In the User ID search box, enter the user's UVA computing ID, e.g., tls6u, then press Enter or Return on your keyboard, or select the User ID button.
  3. Under Site Id, copy all the text that comes after the ~ to your computer clipboard. For example, if the text shown in the Site Id column is the following:
    ~8a062e44-ee5e-47fe-805e-3ef261842ded The value you will need is:

Locate the Home site in Worksite Setup.

UVACollab : Administration Workspace : Worksite Setup - Google Chrome
  1. Go to the Worksite Setup tool.
  2. From the View menu, select Home Sites.
  3. In the Search box, enter the Site ID copied in the step above.

Access the site.

Select the link to the site to navigate to it.

Go to Resources.

Select Resources from the Tool Menu in the site.

Edit Details on the main Resources folder.

  1. Select the Actions menu for the main Resources folder.  The folder's name should be [site title] Resources, e.g., in a site named 20Su Family in OF Saints Lives, the main folder is 20Su Family in OF Saints Lives Resources.
  2. Select Edit Details.

Enter the new quota.

  1. Select the Special quota checkbox.
  2. In the box provided, enter the new quota in Kilobytes (binary). For quick reference, here is a list of custom Resources quotas we've enabled for users within the past few years:
    • 6 GB = 6291456 KB
    • 8 GB = 8388608 KB
    • 15 GB = 15728640 KB
    • 20 GB = 20971520 KB
    • 25 GB = 26214400 KB
    • 50 GB = 52428800 KB

Note: To find the appropriate value for a different number of GB, do a Google search for "GB to KB binary".  

Tip: 6 GB or 8 GB is typically used when the user does not specify the new requested value, but we have one instructor who requests a quota of either 20 GB or 25 GB for his site every semester he teaches.

Select Update.