How do I reorder MOTD announcements?
Go to Announcements.

Select the Announcements tool from the Tool Menu in the Administration Workspace.
Auto-Sort Options.
There are also three options that allow you to auto-sort the Announcements:
- Sort by subject - orders the announcements in alphabetical order according to the subject line
- Sort by author - orders the announcements in alphabetical order according to the author of the announcement
- Sort by beginning date - orders the announcements by their beginning date (for announcement which specify specific dates)
- Sort by ending date - orders the announcements by their ending date (for announcement which specify specific dates)
- Sort by modified date - orders the announcements in order based the creation (or most recent modification) date.
When you click the columns heading link, an icon appears beside it showing if the list is sorted smallest to largest, or largest to smallest. In the above illustration, the announcements are sorted by subject in A - Z order. If the subject heading is clicked again, the icon will point down showing that sort order has changed to Z - A.