How do I embed a SCORM module in Lessons?
SCORM Modules can be embedded within a Lessons page so that it can be grouped with relevant content and allow students access outside of the SCORM Player tool.
Select SCORM Player from the Tool Menu in the site. Then, right click on the name of your Module (the one you just uploaded) and select Copy link address.

On a Lessons page, click the Add Content button and then click Embed content on page.

You will need to paste the link you copied in the "Or add a URL or 'embed code'" box. Then click the Save button.

Once you click Save, additional buttons will appear. Click the Try other alternative button that has appeared in order for the Module to appear properly on the Lessons page.

Click the Save button again. The Module should be embedded onto the Lessons page.

You can also adjust the size of the module by clicking the Edit button and adjusting the height.