How do I add a checklist on a Lessons page?
Instructors can add Checklist items to a Lessons page. Checklists allow site participants to either manually or automatically check off items as they complete them.
Go to Lessons.

Click on the Lessons tool in the Tool Menu to display the page.
Note: The default or blank Lessons page contains text and images that explain the basic functionality of the Lessons tool.
Click Add Content, and then select Add Checklist.

From the Add Content drop-down menu, select Add Checklist.
Enter a title.
Enter a checklist description.

The description typically explains the purpose of the checklist.
Add checklist items.

- Click the Add New Checklist Item button to add a new item.
- Enter the item title in the empty text field, and then repeat the process to add additional items.
Deleting items.

If you need to remove an item from the list, click on the red X to the right of the item.
Reorder items.

If you need to reorder items, click on the arrows to the left of the item, and then drag it into the desired order in the list.
Appearance. (Optional)

If you would like to indent the checklist on the page, or designate custom CSS for the checklist, click on Appearance to expand those settings.
Groups. (Optional)

If you would like to make the checklist visible to specific groups only, click on Groups to expand those settings and select your desired groups.
Click Save.

Automatically check off items. (Optional)
First you must make one or more of the items on the page a requirement. For help on making items required, see How do I require completion of a Lessons item?
Edit the Checklist item and select the Link icon next to the item you want to check off automatically.